1. Talk to/with:与某人交谈
例句:I need to talk to my boss about my schedule.
2. Talk about:谈论某事
例句:They were talking about the upcoming elections.
3. Talk over:商讨,讨论
例句:We need to talk over the details of the project.
4. Talk back:顶嘴,配短回嘴
例句:The固定搭 child was talking back to his teacher.
5. Talk down to:对某人不尊重的口吻说话
例句:I don't like it when people talk down to me.
6. Talk into:说服某人做某事
例句:I talked him into taking the job.
7. Talk out of:说服某人不做某事
例句:I talked her out of quitting her job.
8. Talk up:大声地说,强调
例句:You need to talk up if you want to be heard.